Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Yesterday was Zoo day!!! Kinsley was so excited and exclaimed that the "Zoo is where the animals live...giraffes and choo choo train"! She talked about it all morning until we left! Since it's spring break here we met several friends there and spent the morning walking around in the "spring" breeze! It was cool out, but very fun spending the day outside and even seeing the new baby giraffe! Addilyn seemed to have fun too, she was very quiet and just rode in the stroller the whole morning! Here are some pics of our day out!
Oh how time flies...
My Mom used to say that the older you get the quicker time goes...I think she's right! It seems like Christmas just happened, but in just a few weeks Easter will be here! Oh how time flies! Our sweet Kinsley has grown so much since I last posted. She is more imaginative than ever and keeps learning how to express her feelings more enthusiastically each day! This morning she was acting like a puppy playing fetch, doing tricks and bossing her Daddy the whole time! It seems like she shouldn't even be able to talk yet! Oh how time flies! Our precious Addilyn is getting bigger day by day. She is now taking steps and even this morning walked half way across the living room! She can wave and I really think she says "Hi" too! She also says "dada", "mama" and something that really does sound like "kisly"! Next week (the 26th) Addilyn will be one! Oh how time flies! As the girls get older it seems like they are becoming friends. Instead of just playing in their own worlds and ignoring each other, they have now started to play together and seem to even enjoy being around one another! Oh how time flies! Life is busier than ever and it's completely wonderful (stressful too, but let's stay positive!). Oh how time flies!

Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Time...
This year we spent our Christmas in Iowa! We all had a great time and got to see lots of snow! Papa and Grammy's house is always fun and having cousins to play with is even better! This year Kinsley picked Emma as he favorite and followed her around everywhere! Kinsley kept calling Emma her friend (like that was her name) and would give her a hug whenever she saw her! Kinsley had so much fun today and was so glad Santa paid her a visit and left her lots of gifts! She was so excited when she woke up, but then was a little confused why Santa just left gifts and didn't stay for her to thank him!
This was Addilyn's first Christmas and although she didn't care about opening presents, she did enjoy playing with them! Most of all she liked playing with the "big" kids gifts and annoying them! She was so sweet and happy all day and was loving on her Mommy and followed her everywhere!
We also had Daniel with us and it was his first Christmas too! He just enjoyed being held and talking to anyone who would listen! He was a very happy boy all day and even napped really good all day!
This Christmas we are so thankful for our family, friends and most of all for Jesus. We are so thankful He came to this earth as our Savior. We can celebrate because of Him and Him alone!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Addilyn's First Haircut
On Friday, October 30th Addilyn got her first haircut. I still can't believe that she needed a haircut at 7 months, but it was very needed! Her hair was so long over her ears and would stick out in every direction! Jane cut it for her and it looked so cute when finished! Here's a few pitures of the process!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Where has the time gone...
I really don't know where the time has gone! My last posting was almost 5 months ago and so much has happened! From visiting with family over the 4th of July, to vacation at the beach, and having a new foster baby come live with us so much has changed in our family! Addilyn is now pulling up on furniture and Kinsley is talking and singing all the time! They have both grown so much and are the most beautiful little girls (I am a little biased!)! Daniel is our new foster baby who came to live with us at 11 days old. He is now 6 weeks old and is getting so big! He is cooing and seems to even by smiling! He is a sweet boy...something new around our house...a BOY! :) Kinsley has really enjoyed him and kisses all over him! She's always checking on "Baby Brother" and is concerned with his every move. Addilyn could care less about Daniel, but she does love her big sister! She watches Kinsley and tries to play with her as much as Kinsley will allow! It's funny how you don't think you could love your kids more, but it seems like I grow daily more in love with them!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sweet Addilyn...

Addilyn is now smiling so much and talking a lot too! Yesterday she had her two month shots...uggg! She did okay all morning, but the afternoon was not good! She cried and wouldn't eat and I could tell she just didn't feel good at all. By the time bedtime came around she was so tired and ready to sleep. To my surprise I put her to bed at 6:45 pm and she didn't wake up until 6:00 am!!! I really don't remember the last time I got to sleep completely through the night, so when I woke up this morning I felt like a new woman! Needless to say I am also so proud of Addilyn for sleeping so long...she really does love me! Here's my sweet Addilyn and her smile (well, kind of...once the picture actually took she was not smiling so big...oh well!).
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sprinkler Fun...
This morning we (Aunt Toni, Kinsley, Addilyn and me) took the trek over to Collierville and spent the morning at Johnson's Park in the sprinklers! Kinsley had so much fun running from sprinkler to sprinkler and yelling "Come on" to Toni and me (She tends to be a little bossy...she got that from her Dad!). Poor Addilyn didn't get to enjoy the sprinklers, but she did get a good nap (Addilyn got her 2 month shots this morning, so I didn't want to push it by making her get wet with really cold water!)! By the time we left we were ALL wet and tired. We walked away with only a minor injury from an older boy who knocked Kinsley over and gave her a "rug" burn on her arm and leg! Over all though she had a great time and she talked about the sprinkler park for the rest of the day!
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